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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Time flies... or is it just me?

Thanksgiving already? I swear, I dont know where the days begin or end... All is know is that I am grateful to see another day to experience the TEST of life of course and thankful for my countless and continuous blessings that I seem so unworthy of most days... for now its the little things... a job, a car, gas, food, sleep, and every little thing that I overlook most days! but the BIG things are always in my heart, my Father in Heaven,the Savior,  my daddy in Heaven, my SON, of course my family here on earth and in the Heavens above... I guess just OVERALL grateful for the life that I live... HALLELUJAH! 

This past week I was blessed to spend some time with my cousins and helping one prepare for the midnight showing of BREAKING DAWN. yes, I know, we are mid-30s but come on, a girls gotta have a little fun and most of all, spend it with some cool chicks who feel the same way... I missed my sister but she was there in spirit all the way from INDEPMO! Thanks to Amy & Penina for putting together a great shin-dig. Good times and good laughs with Kehau, Audrey, Laine, Amber S., and all the other ladies who came. It was awesome and I cant wait to see Part 2! My shirt was the winner (thanks to my awesome sister) it said... "Bella, Hurry up and Die already!!! " -Renei Maine Black


  1. Man that was a good time. The movie was sooo good too! I'm going to have to get a shirt for the next one. And you guys need to read Hunger Games!!!! Oh and next time we need to a breakfast or brunch party the following saturday instead of this midnight thing. man it was brutal the next day. ha! Maybe that is what us mid 30 people need to do. hahaha..........

  2. I totally agree with you there... those midnight showings are for the birds. I was at work sleeping with my eyes OPEN! eh!

    I told my mom that I was going to buy hunger games on her kindle... lol!

    love you k...love to T & keikis!
