
Welcome to our life...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Gotta make the memories last FOREVER...

Ive been wanting to do this for quite sometime, meaning get back to blogging since its a great way to keep track of lifes events, activities and most of all have a great timeline for my son so he doesnt say in ten years, "Mom, what was I like when I was 2 1/2?" ... then I respond in a misguided tone... "Son, you were like every other 2 1/2 year boy"!!!! Really mom... lol! 

Maxximus, you are SO one of a kind... you are smart, funny, full of life and most of all UNIQUE in every way. I love you son because I know that the Lord sent you down to earth to be apart of my life, to make it complete and make it so worth living. You will never know how much you will ever mean to me. I thank the Lord daily for your wonderful soul and of course choosing me to be your mom here on earth. Its my honor to be apart of your life and watch you grow daily. I always want you to know your worth, its priceless because GOD is the one who created you in His vision. He knows ALL, He is ALL, He is the ONLY way. There will never be enough "Thanks", or enough gratitude in my heart to ever thank Him for you... 

At this time in your life, you are learning to speak to me more and more everyday! Your famous words for now or at least today are:
Ma Ma
POP (Candy or gum)
Dats u (Thank you)
Wubb u (Love you)
Ari (Sorry)
Dahk (Dark)
Hmmmm (Mine)

Ma Ma helped with Animal sounds and we are getting better at them everyday with a couple of the avenger sounds too (we just performed it over the phone for Aunty Iva with the help of Noahboi picture on mommys phone)!!!

Its Dec 8th and about 1236am, I am watching KPBS (Andrea Bocelli) one of the best and your Uncle Nifo and I will someday sing the prayer... lol! we love that song! one day...its in NY and I promise son, we will go there one day and walk in Central Park, ride the carriage, see the Empire state building, then travel to places that you will remember for the rest of your life. I want to take you to see the different parts of Polynesia especially back to Samoa where we get our wonderful & rich heritage. Ive been once before and I still remember sitting in front of Grandpa/Grandma Letulis house in the rain thinking that its not even cold and we dont have to go inside because we might get sick, thats awesome! :)

We will see it all son, we will make sure that your AMAZING blessing of a life is just that. I promise! 

You are definitely the LIGHT of my life! 

Monday, October 1, 2012


I often wonder why people are so unhappy with life & their circumstances & then I realize...does the Godhead exist in their lives, does the Plan of Salvation play a part in their day to day???? Do I know fully the extent of the Lords plan & it's blessings.... All I can say is, what I do know is, I try! I try everyday to be the daughter of God I was meant to be, to be a light upon the darkness, to be the calm after the storm & help with the solution instead of the prblem!!!! For my soul delighteth in all things pertaining to Gods plan & His unconditional love for me! He woke me up this morning with a body that works, a mind that is grateful & a soul that has every intention of doing what He would have me do... I'm grateful for the Gospel, a true Rod of Iron that is steadfast in every way. May we continue to look at our lives as a choice blessing & be satisfied in all things because the Lord wanted it that way!!! Be happy, be blessed, be mindful & honest, be clean & be kind... Your life here on earth is ultimately "To Be Like Him" 

Friday, January 20, 2012

A look back...

Its my birthday month so I figure... I always seem to reflect on the past year and how much life has changed in just a matter of 12 months!!! Oh boy has it, I guess its true that time flies when you are having such fun! I always want to feel grateful for my countless and continuous blessings and I am so humbled to know that I have so many each day of my life... I hope to be worthy of these blessings in the eternities. The Gospel in my life has always been a highlight and most of all my callings in the church have been the driving force to strengthen my testimony. I recently was released from being a Sunday school teacher for the kids ages 12-14, I realized that I had been there a long time because I was so comfortable. That is when I know the Lord needs to push me out of my comfort zone and I could feel it coming for sometime. So I received a call from our Ward secretary, Bro Oddou... i love this guy. So sarcastic and funny... I dont know whether to look forward to his calls or screen them!!! lol! 
I was to meet with a member of the bishopric mid-week... at first, I thought... Uh oh, what callings are open in our ward???? oh that was a scary thought... but then after Tyson told me that they were releasing me from my calling, I was going to miss my kids but then I realized that I would have a break... maybe the Lord wanted me to be in nursery with my son to make sure he doesnt accidentally throw the toys at all the kids... yes, ACCIDENTALLY! =)

To my complete shock, I received a new calling..... wait for it.... I am the Chorister in Primary!!!! shocked? yes, I know... me too!!!! I asked Tys if I was being punked and of course he said no, and asked if I would except the calling... of course to my hesitant reply, I said that I would and I would TRY! My dad always used to remind me that when the LORD calls, you say YES WILLINGLY and get ready to go forth and serve! I did however ask Tyson to ask the bishopric to pray again because they might have been tired that day and miss construed the name by accident. lol! 
He still thinks its hilarious! Come on Tys... cut a girl some slack!

I love my calling so far, I realized quickly that I needed to brush up on my primary songs because my Noahboi knows all of them and of course more than I do!!! I often wish that my sister was still the primary president in our ward but she is doing BIG THANGS for the YW in INDEPMO. So maybe one day sister, we will be able to serve together in the same ward. I am so hoping for that. 

Oh how I rejoice in the Gospel and to know of its Truth and Power. The amazing miracle to move mountains and to build HIS kingdom here on earth in the latter days. I pray for my warrior of a son, that he will know every blessing that the LORD will, can and has provided for him... and to know the Lord and His Son personally and testify of their undeniable love and faith in him, as he tries to be like them on a daily basis. 
Every year, everyday and every moment is a small step closer to my Heavenly Father and I pray that everyday that I will be better than I was yesterday. 
I wish that blessing for my birthday and always...

Oh and him too of course... bahahahahaha!
Come on guys... its always my birthday wish!!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

20-12... We are off to a GREAT start!!!

YES I DID IT... I went out and bought the car that I have been dreaming about forever... I feel like this year is going to be a great one and I am SO looking forward to it!!! I will probably have to work about 80hrs a week but its all good, right? So grateful for my blessings, thank you LORD! 2012 here we go...