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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blessing in disguise...

So NOT working never felt so good, I have been working since I can remember and thanks to the GOOD LORD, theres always a plan for me... what is it? I will never know but I will rely on HIM to provide for me the things that I cant control and most of all, LIFE and the direction it will lead me. I truly believe that EVERYTHING has a balance and things happen for certain reasons. I was recently laid off from work which has been a relief in more ways than one, I can honestly say that the LORD knew that I wasnt happy anymore and my heart just wasnt in it. I had been working long days and even longer nights so it was taking a toll on my time with my son and I never want that to happen & it will never happen again! :) 
Corporate America is not what it used to be and I feel as though its more cut throat than ever... I never want to be associated with a company who doesnt feel as though their employees arent their first priority! Sad but true... I look forward to what lies ahead and the bright future for my son and I in whatever we decide to do. 

VACAY MODE! LOL! I love it, Im taking advantage of the brief time I have of being a "stay at home" mom and its probably the MOST work I have done in a LONG time, but I truly know what a blessing it is to sit with your kids and watch them grow literally before your eyes. Its UH-MAZING! I wouldnt change this time for the world and it being Maxx's bday month and turning 3, we have accomplished so much and yet it feels like we still need to conquer the world! So here it goes...